Dream super multi-functional jade engraving machine table mill small cutting machine sawmill sanding polishing tool electric grinding

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Dream super
Chinese mainland
Power mode:
direct current
Color classification:
Light gray four generations of host simple with four generations of standard four generations of standard + grinding package four generations of standard + woodworking package four generations of standard + jade package five generations of standard + grinding package five generations of standard + woodworking package five generations of standard + jade package six generations of standard + polishing package six generations of standard + six generations of polishing package of six generations of standard + woodworking package six generations of standard + jade package four generations of host (no accessories no platform) Six generations of standard + jade woodworking package 1850w table saw standard 1850w table saw standard + woodworking package 1850w table saw standard + polishing package 1850w table saw standard + jade package 1850w table saw standard + jade woodworking package 1850w table saw simple with 1850W single motor rotor 1850w single host number of 1850W standard
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