3 years 4 years 5 6 years 6 7 8 years 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 13 14 years 14
Place of origin:
The Chinese mainland
High Calcium Cheese Crisp Slice (Cranberry Flavor) High Calcium Cheese Crisp Slice (Original Taste) High Calcium Cheese Crisp Slice (Blueberry Taste) High Calcium Cheese Crisp Slice (Dried Orange Peel Taste-South Fung Honey Orange)
Type of packaging:
Boxed in a box
The way it is packaged:
Packaging in the
The cargo number.:
Type of specification:
Normal specifications for the normal
The source of the milk is:
The New Zealand
The technique of the production of cheese:
And make the cheese again and again
The cheese content is a:
Number of 51 percentis
The production license number:
The name of the factory:
Golden Hua Good Ledo Food Co., Ltd.
The site of the plant:
Jinhua Mountain in Jinghua Mountain in East China's Zhejiang Province's Jinghua Mountain Tourism Economic Zone Akamatsu Town Wang Mansion Village Good Ledo Avenue Zhejiang Jinghua City Jinghua Mountain Tourism Economic Zone Chiamatsu Town Wuplets Street 227