iphone6 data line mfi authentication suitable for Apple 13pro12max7p mobile phone iPad tablet fast

  • Unit Price:$29.65
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  • Item#:658517220570
  • Location:China
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The brand:
The Green Union.
Color classification of the color:
(Collection Plus Purchase) Heather cat official direct delivery 36 (white) - Support for Apple's full line Fast charge (black) - Support the Apple full-series quick charge (white-fit 2-1A charger) - support apple
Maximum output power:
11W (inclusive) -15W (inclusive)
style of the style:
Straight to the head.
Number of wire-splitting joints:
A single head.
Length of the:
0 25m0 25m0 5m2m 5m1m1 5m2m 5m2m in the 5m1m1
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