Boxed Movie Seven Rainbow HuaSUSTech GTX1050 2G TI4G Computer Eat Chicken 1060 3g 5g 5g 6g Graphics Card

  • Unit Price:$166.21
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  • Item#:653062378793
  • Location:China
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  • Quantity: (58174 available)
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The GALAXY photogallop is on the go
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It's a color.:
Brand new.
Type of interface:
PCI Express 2 0 16X
The presence of the capacity of the:
Output Interface:
The DVIHDMI has the same
There is a wide range of existents:
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NVIDIA chip model for the first time:
Prime time for the quality of the:
From the date of purchase, the
chip in a chip:
The chip process:
40 nanometers in a
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