Portable Chronograph Scoreboard 1.7m Chronograph Scoreboard 2m Chronograph Standard Chronograph Scoreboard Rotating Scoreboard Basketball Single-Sided 24-Second Timer Basketball Four-Sided 24-Second Timer 12-Second Offensive Timer Professional 2m Scoreboard Basketball Version Pro 2m Scoreboard Multi-Ball Version Professional Scoreboard 6 Types of Ball Game Professional Scoreboard With Video Insertion Function 1.7m Scoreboard with 24-Second TimerStand Scoreboard With 24-Second Timer2m Scoreboard With 24-Second TimerProduct Scoreboard with 24-Second TimerProduct Scoreboard with 24-Second Timer
The article number:
Ball game support:
Blue badminton table tennis net volleyball football match
Communication methods:
The wireless communication distance is greater than 1000 meters