(erect minus 4 yuan) light milk oil 250ml * 3 (2 piece 11 9 Yuan) light milk oil 250ml (popularity combination) light milk oil 250ml no salt plant cream 500
Place of origin:
The Chinese mainland
The province:
Shandong Province
The city.:
Dezhou City
The barcode of the goods:
The way it is packaged:
Packaging in the
The net content of the:
The production license number:
Product Standard Number of Products:
GB 19646 in GB
The name of the factory:
Shandong Junjun Dairy Products Co., Ltd.
The site of the plant:
Shandong Province (Yucheng) National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone Friendship Street West section South Side East China Shandong Province (Yucheng) National Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone Friendship