Tatami mattress 1 3 m Economy-type natural eco-friendly coconut palm winter and summer dual-use custom flange suede 3d mattress

  • Original Price:168.00
  • Unit Price:$84.99
  • Wholesale Price:
    Quantity Price (Per lot)
    1 - 3
    4 - 6
    7 - 10
    11 - 15
  • Item#:615424308817
  • Location:China
  • Selected:loading
  • Quantity: (67602 available)
  • Total price:
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The brand:
other than other
The Model:
Dimensions in size:
900mm * 1900mm900mm * 2000mm1000mm * 1900mm1000mm * 2000mm1200mm * 190 * 190
Thickness of the:
Color classification of the color:
Velvet stripe (5cm brown heart 3cm fabric) leaf ash (5cm brown heart 3cm fabric) dark blue (5cm brown heart 3cm fabric) rhomboid white (5cm brown heart
The classification of the fabric:
Knitted fabric for the same
Gross weight.:
Whether it is customizable or not:
The type of palms:
3D 3D or 3E coconut palm in the palm of the
Whether there is a health care function or not:
Type of sponge:
The common sponge is a
The application of the crowd:
Child Early Childhood Adults Children of the Elderly Adult Children
Type of spring:
A shipping installation can be delivered:
The city of Nanning, capital of east China's Liaoning Province, is a city in the city of Nanning, capital of east China's Jiangsu Province, in the city's capital city of Zhengzhou, capital of east China's Liaoning Province.
Place of origin:
Hebei Province
The City of the Land:
The city of Xingtai
District County:
Guangzong County
The size of the mattress:
The mattress is soft with soft hardness:
It's soft and soft
The mattress thickness is a:
The thickness of the sponge:
The main material of the mattress is:
The thickness of the latex:
The thickness of the palm of the:
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