Balcony flowerpots rack solid wood plant multi-meat indoor multilayer flower shelving living-room floor style large gold Ge shelf

  • Original Price:57.77
  • Unit Price:$29.88
  • Wholesale Price:
    Quantity Price (Per lot)
    1 - 3
    4 - 6
    7 - 10
    11 - 15
  • Item#:607288352856
  • Location:China
  • Selected:loading
  • Quantity: (61113 available)
  • Total price:
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The brand:
The Model:
material of the material:
pattern of the pattern:
Other Other Other
style of the style:
Jane about the modern day.
The popular element of the:
Other logs
Color classification of the color:
Reinforcement 120 long flower shelf★Width 41 Reinforced 150 long flower shelf★Width 41 Reinforced 90 long flower shelf★Width 41 Reinforced 150 long flower shelf★Width 35 Reinforced 90 Long
Gross weight.:
Structural craftsmanship:
other of the other
Whether it is customizable or not:
Additional features:
Versatile and versatile
The furniture structure:
The structure of the bracket
Place of origin:
Zhejiang Province
The City of the Land:
The City of Lishui
District County:
The City of Longquan
Whether or not to assemble:
The volume of the packaging:
0 01, 01.
Whether the taxi is transportable or not.:
Style positioning of the style:
The economic type of the
Details of the installation notes:
Provide an installation description film to provide an installation brochure to provide simple installation tools
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