Young Youquan 4 Color Eye Shadow Pan Women Bean Sand Earth bright sheet matte Pearlized Sloth People Eye Shadow beginners 4 Thrones women-Taobao

  • Original Price:26.31
  • Unit Price:$9.99
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  • Item#:597983728033
  • Location:China
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  • Quantity: (82323 available)
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The brand:
A single item.:
It's dazzling and enchanting with a four-color eye.
Place of origin:
Color classification of the color:
#01落日期许#02心跳轨迹#03 The pink signal#04眼波柔 the power of the ink
The registration certificate number of the cosmetic filing number:
The Shanghai G makeup network is ready for 2023008330
The time of the listing:
The ocular modification modified profile lifts the air color lasting
Number of colors:
4 Thronic colours
Type of specification:
Normal specifications for the normal
Whether it is for special purpose cosmetics or not:
Name of the manufacturer of the manufacturer:
Shanghai Zhen Xian Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
Product Name:
The four-coloured eye shadow disc 04 the young Youquan 04
texture of the texture:
Production of license numbers for the production of enterprises:
The Shanghai makeup 20190015 the Shanghai 20190015
Shelf life:
36 months on the day of the
Address of the Registrant to the record:
5-102 5 102, Jindae Highway, Jinhui Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai
Name of the Registrant to the record:
Shanghai Fengyi Information Technology Development Co., Ltd.
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