Hon Hop electronic whiteboard HV-i685k interactive electronic whiteboard teaching All interactive touch intelligence

  • Unit Price:$213.97
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  • Item#:576089803645
  • Location:China
  • Selected:loading
  • Quantity: (47090 available)
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The brand:
after-sales service for the sale of the:
The National Union of the Union
Type of interface:
Color classification of the color:
Hong Hop i685k Alternative for i583 (consultation price is more superior i685k Mcselle K30E (short charred i685k Maxell K38 (short charred i685k Panasonic
The same city service to the city:
The homestein of the same city is worthy of the government
Whether to touch the screen or not:
The applicable scenario:
Teaching and training
Type of electronic whiteboard type:
Type of input:
Finger touch
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