170 gr * 6 pork dumplings for a total of 2 catties (vacuum loaded) 170 gr * 10 fresh meat dumplings for a total of 3 catties (vacuum loaded) 170 gr * 10 Honey date dumplings for a total of 3 catties (vacuum loaded
Whether it is an organic food or not:
The filling of the filling:
Fresh meat and rice dumplings
The way it is packaged:
Vacuum bagging a vacuum
The weight of the package:
1 person per share
Plan of the package week:
1 week in a week
Distribution of the frequency of the frequency:
1 week 2 times 2 times in a week
The special product class:
The Jiaxing Zongzi
Is there a filling in it or not?:
The size of the rice dumpling:
The large rice dumplings (121g ~ 160g)
The net content of the:
The production license number:
The name of the factory:
Zhejiang Mi-Estate Food Company Limited
The site of the plant:
No. 309 9 buildings on Wo Ping Street, Jiaxing Street, Jiaxing, Jiaxing, East China's Zhejiang Province