Japan Goode imported electric soldering iron GOOT external heat type KS-30R 40R 60R 80R 100W watt electric soldering iron

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Goot Gioti
Color classification:
KS-30R Seven-Piece Set Deluxe Package KS-40R Seven-Piece Set Deluxe Package KS-60R Seven-Piece Set Deluxe Package KS-30R Soldering Iron KS-40R Soldering Iron KS-60R Soldering Iron KS-80R Soldering Iron KS-100R Soldering Iron Send 1M Tin Wire 1 Sponge 1 Box Rosin Buy It Without Shooting Separately
The article number:
KS-30R 40R 60R
Decoration and construction content:
Hydropower engineering
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