Flying Sculpture Large Panel Large Board White Without Frame Switch Socket Sculpture Figuring Five Holes with Type 86 Official Home

  • Unit Price:$3.55
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    1 - 3
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    11 - 15
  • Item#:554864615140
  • Location:China
  • Selected:loading
  • Quantity: (6751 available)
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The brand:
The Flying Sculptor
The Model:
Type 86
Place of origin:
The Chinese mainland
The province:
Shanghai Municipality
The City of the Land:
Shanghai Municipality
Color classification of the color:
Five holes (86 large plate white) Seven holes (86 large plate white) Three holes 16A (air conditioning socket) (86 large plate white) open single control (86 large plate white) open double cut (86 large plate) (86 large plate white)
The same city service to the city:
The same city logistics home is worthy of the government
Type of electronic electrician product Type of product:
Type 86
The number of years of prime retention:
3 years on the
Five holes in the
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