Short sleeve T-shirt round collar sweatshirt man-style real silk knit loose summer home mulberry silk in old age

  • Unit Price:$23.18
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    1 - 3
    4 - 6
    7 - 10
    11 - 15
  • Item#:554708184692
  • Location:China
  • Selected:loading
  • Quantity: (56205 available)
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The brand:
Other Other Other
material of the material:
Mulberry silk
Size of the size.:
Number one of the number one XL, XL number XXL.
The classification of the fabric:
other of the other
Flortype pattern for the flower pattern:
It's pure color.
The collar type:
Round the collar.
Color of color:
White Sweatshirt Skin Tone Sweatshirt Grey Sweatshirt Dark Blue Sweatshirt Black Sweatshirt
The sleeve type:
The routine.
A breakdown of the style:
The foundation fors.
The base style of the:
other of the other
The application of the season:
The summer season
The length of the cuff:
short sleeves in a long time
It is thick and thin:
The applicable scenario:
Type of version:
The loose type of the
Application of the object:
middle age
The fabric function:
The sense of the cool
Material composition of the material:
Mulberry silk 70% viscose fiber (viscose fiber) 30%
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