120 color film roll 120 black and white film negative film reverse film practice hand roll full 200 yuan rhyme

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Film type:
black and white
Color classification:
Color Film Film 5219 Color Film Film 5203 Transparent Film Moisture Proof Plastic Barrel Ultra Particulate Portrait Scenery ISO32 Barrel Special Price Lucky Test Machine Defect Handling Product Portrait Scenery Sensitivity 100 Barrel Sensitivity 160 Portrait Scenery Barrel Sensitivity 200 Portrait Scenery Barrel Sensitivity 200 Portrait Scenery Barrel Sensitivity 320 Portrait Scenery BarrelEd Light Sensitivity 100 Barrel Sensitivity 160 Black and White Reverse Barrel Sensitivity 200 Black and White Reverse Barrel Sensitivity 320 Black and White Reverse Barrel Film Style Negative 100 Independent MoistureProof Barrel Film Style Negative 160 Independent MoistureProof Barrel Film Style Negative 200 Independent MoistureProof Barrel Film Style Negative 320 Independent Defense Tide barrel movie style black and white inversion 100 moisture-proof barrel film style black and white reversal film 160 barrel moisture-proof loading movie style black and white reverse film 200 moisture-proof barrel film style black and white reverse film 320 barrel
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