Owen 4K Oil Painting Paper and Oil Painting Oil Painting Acrylic Paint Paper Materials Practice Beginners

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  • Item#:527460178318
  • Location:China
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The brand:
The rice-straw-drawing material
Color classification of the color:
The Oil Painting Bench of the Oven and Palau
Number of colors:
Owen and Palau F6 oil painting Bench 32 * 40 Oven 4K oil painting paper 38 * 52 Oven and Palau F4 oil painting Bench 24 * 32 Oven and Palau F8 oil painting Bench 38 * 45
The name of the product:
Owen 4k Oil Painting Paper and Palau Oil Painting Bench
Color of color:
White in white
Dimensions in size:
The Oil Painting of the Pink Bench 24 * 33
Characteristics of the:
Paper color bright look flat and smooth finish textured tight
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