The Founder 304 Stainless Steel Bowl Home Double rice bowls Dormitory With Student Bowl single Blister Bowl Big soup Bowl

  • Original Price:5.33
  • Unit Price:$4.62
  • Wholesale Price:
    Quantity Price (Per lot)
    1 - 3
    4 - 6
    7 - 10
    11 - 15
  • Item#:520363506975
  • Location:China
  • Selected:loading
  • Quantity: (17782 available)
  • Total price:
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The brand:
The founder of the
material of the material:
stainless steel
pattern of the pattern:
It's pure color.
style of the style:
Chinese style
Place of origin:
Chaozhou City
The popular element of the:
It's pure color.
Diameter of the mouth of the bowl:
4 5 inches for a 5 inch
Color classification of the color:
11 11 5cm (recommended for children) 12cm (recommended for children) 13cm 13cm 15cm 15cm 16cm (face bowl recommended) 18cm 11 5c
Price Range:
RMB20 RMB20 -29 9 dollars for a total of RMB20
The cargo number.:
The main source of the main picture:
An autonomous real shot of the picture
Number of:
1 in 1
The tea cutlery process:
The application of the crowd:
The Fox News
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