Child pillowcase heavy pound genuine silk 100 mulberry silk baby 30x50 memory latex pillow 40x60 nap pillow headgear

  • Unit Price:$8.68
  • Wholesale Price:
    Quantity Price (Per lot)
    1 - 3
    4 - 6
    7 - 10
    11 - 15
  • Item#:2015576794
  • Location:China
  • Selected:loading
  • Quantity: (67776 available)
  • Total price:
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The brand:
other than other
The applicable age:
Freshmen 2 years 3 years 4 5 years 6 7 years 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 14 13 14
Place of origin:
The Chinese mainland
The province:
Jiangsu Province
The City of the Land:
Suzhou City
Dimensions in size:
30 * 50CM30 * 45CM25 * 40CM40 * 60CM35 * 58CM * 58CM
Color classification of the color:
Coffee color wine red white cyan dark purple green tangerine red dark grey lotus color light green light blue color light yellow ink green fluorescent green dark blue light grey 19 mmi pink no box baby 1
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